Who We Are
The United Methodist denomination and its predecessors have proudly called themselves a connectional church. From how we practice stewardship to how we “do” communion to how we minister and serve our local communities and global sisters and brothers, the connection has many manifestations. It is at the core of what it means to be The United Methodist Church.
First United Methodist Church of Akron and Wedgewood United Methodist Church are especially connected and closely partnered in ministry as a “cooperative parish.” This means that we are joined together in ministries with each other, sharing pastoral staff, support staff, and participating in shared ministries and activities between our two congregations, such as through community outreach, bible studies, and fellowship opportunities.
Our churches welcome all people, because God’s love extends to everyone. Here, you will find:
- Uplifting and prayer-provoking worship services
- A warm and friendly atmosphere that welcomes you just as you are
- A congregation that puts God’s Word into action
- A church family with a shared mission and vision
Our Mission
A mission is “what we do”
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Our Vision
A vision is “where we are headed”
Our vision is to embody Revelation 7:9, the great multitude of reconciled saints “from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages” gathered around God’s throne as one in praise and thanksgiving.
Our Core Values
A core value is “who we are”
Our core values are:
1. We create welcoming spaces for all to grow in faith
2. We are willing to adapt for transformation
3. We serve all communities through loving connections
A core value is “who we are”
Our core values are:
1. We create welcoming spaces for all to grow in faith
2. We are willing to adapt for transformation
3. We serve all communities through loving connections
As a United Methodist church, we believe in a loving and powerful God who is made up of three parts: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. We believe that through faith in Jesus, we can have our sins forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life.
We take guidance from the Bible and the teachings of John Wesley (the founder of Methodism), who taught us about being holy in our thoughts and actions, about the power of God’s grace, and about being kind and caring to others. We come together for worship as a way to connect with God and each other, and we show our faith by serving others and spreading God’s love to the world.
If you would like more information on the beliefs of the United Methodist denomination, click here or reach out to our main office.
Whether you are a lifelong Christian or just beginning to explore your faith, you are welcome here to explore your faith and grow closer to God. Join us as we come together to worship, learn, and serve together.